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Studio13 Pilates: What to Expect
Pilates for Beginners
New to Pilates?
We suggest starting with a private session to assess your physical needs and explore basic movements.
Group Classes
An excellent challenge for any athlete. Class begins with footwork and progresses through movements seated, standing and on top of the chair.
A full body workout using traditional leather straps and wooden handles. Class typically begins with footwork and progresses through exercises tailored to each client’s ability and fitness level.
Spine Corrector
A favorite of Dr. Lord as a Chiropractor. Strengthen and stretch your spine on this versatile piece of equipment. The portability of the Spine Corrector makes it perfect for home practice—don’t miss our online classes!
Private Sessions
Elevate Your Practice
One-on-one support and a customized practice. Private sessions with Dr. Lord are packed with value.
Tap into your greatest strengths with us. You’re capable of far more than you know!
Pilates Props and Studio13 Gear Now Available In-Studio!
Get set up with everything you need for your practice. Call Dr. Lord to schedule a shopping visit or stock up before your Private Session.